The All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat, the umbrella body of Muslim organisations in the country, on Friday took serious note of Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi’s claim that an intelligence officer had told him that ‘people from Pakistan were talking to the relatives of Muslims killed in the August 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots.
Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, President of AIMMM, told that this is yet another concocted story perfected by the Intelligence Bureau, which has staged 21 fake encounters in Gujarat and many more like the Batla House encounter in Delhi.
Failing to produce clear proof, this officer should be punished because he is simply paving the ground to fake another 'Indian Mujahideen' module in Muzaffarnagar to persecute Muslims who are already victims of Sangh violence, he claimed.
Dr Khan claimed that the IB is an unconstitutional body, which has tried to usurp a lot of power and authority over the years.
An Act of Parliament should be quickly passed to make this rogue organisation accountable to Parliament, he charged, adding that the agency’s huge secret funds must be scrutinised by outside auditors and by the Comptroller and Auditor General.