Prakash Jaju, former private secretary of Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, on Friday withdrew the petition he had filed against the actress in the Supreme Court. In the petition, Jaju had challenged the Madhya Pradesh High Court's decision to discharge her in a criminal intimidation case.
After the counsel appearing for both parties said that the matter has been settled, a bench comprising Justices C K Thakker and Altamas Kabir accepted Jaju's plea to withdraw the petition.
Jaju had moved the petition contending that the high court had erroneously discharged the actress of criminal intimidation charges while acknowledging the same against her father Ashok Chopra and underworld don Chhota Shakeel.
Priyanka had also filed a caveat before the Supreme Court requesting that the apex court hear her statement before passing any order on Jaju's petition.
Jaju had filed a case of criminal intimidation in January before a magistrate in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh against Priyanka, Ashok Chopra and Chhota Shakeel after the actress and her father allegedly used the services of the don to intimidate him in a financial dispute.