Deputy Prime Minister Lal Kishenchand Advani on Monday said the Centre was considering advancing the Lok Sabha election and National Democratic Alliance convener George Fernandes was holding consultations with coalition partners in this regard.
"The Vajpayee government has been considering the probability of having elections earlier," Advani, who arrived in Tirupati on a two-day pilgrimage, told reporters at the Renigunta airport.
He said Fernandes is presently consulting NDA partners about the 'desire for holding elections in advance'.
Advani said Fernandes has been meeting leaders of the NDA partners individually over the issue, 'even though the term of the Lok Sabha ends in September next only'.
He said he had recently met Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray, who also favoured early polls.
Immediately after the return of the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee from the SAARC summit, the NDA was going to hold a joint meeting followed by BJP's national executive meeting. "By that time the issue will be clear," he said.
Advani declined to comment on All India Congress Committee chief Sonia Gandhi's plan to forge electoral alliance with like-minded parties to oppose the BJP.
Evading a direct reply to a question on the BJP-AIADMK alliance, Advani said he had spoken to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa to extend his new year greetings and 'she too responded to it'.