Here’s this week of photos that prove we live in a mad world.

A visitor poses for a photograph in front of a 3D painting depicting China's late Chairman Mao Zedong at a 3D art gallery in Beijing. The gallery attracts visitors with various 3D paintings and installations depicting world famous political leaders, celebrities and movie scenes. Photographer: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

A lion and its trainer perform during ‘Circus of our childhood’, a new programme, at the National Circus in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. Photographer: Gleb Garanich/Reuters

A man wearing a pumpkin on his head is helped after falling over during carnival celebrations in Zubieta. Bell carrying dancers known as Joaldunak from Zubieta and neighbouring Ituren visit each other's villages performing a ritual dance to ward off evil spirits and awaken the coming spring. Alongside the dancers, villagers dress in bizarre and frightening costumes to harass and scare visitors. Photographer: Vincent West/Reuters

Winter swimmer Li Wenyan, 43, stretches before getting in a partially frozen river in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. Photographer: Stringer/Reuters

An Israeli competitor (Left) fights a Belarus competitor during the ‘World Medieval Fighting Championship - the Israeli Challenge’ in Rishon Letzion near Tel Aviv. Israel hosted the tournament on Thursday, which includes 14 competitors from seven different countries -- France, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine and Israel. Photographer: Amir Cohen/Reuters

People try to catch pieces of bread thrown from a house during the annual San Antonio Abad (Saint Anton Abbott) festival in Trigueros, southwest Spain. Thousands of people arrived in Trigueros to participate in this annual catching of food and presents, part of a traditional three-day religious festival. Photographer: Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters

A model rehearses for the the Sibling Autumn/Winter 2015 collection presentation during ‘London Collections: Men’ in London. ‘London Collections: Men’ is a four-day showcase of men's fashion scheduled a month before London Fashion week in London. Photographer: Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

A resident drives his Volkswagen Fusca during the Fusca National Day near Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro. Photographer: Sergio Moraes/Reuters

Contestants sing and dance together at the end of the 20th annual Seattle Invitationals, an amateur Elvis impersonator competition, in Seattle, Washington. The event drew hundreds of spectators for 20 contestants at the Crocodile, a venue in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood. Photographer: David Ryder/Reuters

Students practice antigravity yoga at a training room in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. The use of hammocks help practicers to release pressure from their spines and reshape their bodies, according to local media reports. Photographer: Stringer/Reuters

A swimmer competes with a smoking flare and a paper mache dragon on his head during the UK Cold Water Swimming Championships at Tooting Bec Lido in south London. Photographer: Luke MacGregor/Reuters

Su Daocheng rides his home-made mechanical horse vehicle on a street in Shiyan, Hubei province. Su spent 2 months making this 1.5 metre high and 2 metre long horse, which weighed 250 kilograms with 4 legs and 2 supportive wheels, local media reported. Photographer: Stringer/Reuters