Union Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman held a road show in Wayanad on Sunday as part of the National Democratic Alliance campaign in the state and asked the people to vote for its ally Bharat Dharma Jana Sena, to send a message that they don't require someone 'airdropped from Delhi."
Her visit comes a day after Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi campaigned at Wayanad for her brother and Congress chief Rahul Gandhi.
"We faced floods. The state government failed to open the dams on time, If they did, the devastation could have been avoided. Please vote for BDJS candidate Tushar Vellappally so that it will send a message that the people of Wayanad do not need someone air dropped here," Sitharaman said.
The constituency has shot into the limelight after Congress declared the candidature of Rahul Gandhi in the hilly district.
Rahul had visited the constituency twice with his sister Priyanka.
The ruling Communist Party of India-Marxist led Left Democratic Front in Kerala has fielded Communist Party of India candidate P P Suneer to take on Rahul Gandhi.