Unable to bear the absence of his late wife at his housewarming ceremony on Saturday, a 57-year-old businessman from Karnataka’s Koppal, Srinivas Murthy, installed a silicone statue of his wife at the newly-constructed home, which he built in her memory.
Srinivas lost his wife Madhavi in a car accident in July 2017.
"It is a great feeling to have my wife again at my home, as this was her dream home. An artist Shreedhar Murthy from Bengaluru took a year to prepare my wife's statue. Silicon was used for the statue for durability," said Srinivas on installing the silicon statue of his deceased wife.
The statue was built inside Madhavi's dream house with the help of architect Ranghannanavar.
"Our artist suggested me to have silicon statue instead of the wax statue as we live in Koppal which is a hot place, and an AC can't be open all the time to maintain the wax. So as per the suggestion, we got the silicon statue prepared," Murthy added.