Some couples like to cook together while others like to work out.
Robin Lachhein, 31, and Judith Schneider, 30, from Hofheim, Germany, have a slightly more involved hobby: They travel the world together re-creating famous movie and television serial scenes.
They post images of their amazing recreations to their Instagram page, Secret Famous Places, which has amassed a following of more than 20,000 people.
Among the scenes they have recreated are the dancing scene from La La Land in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, a scene from romantic comedy P.S I Love You and from the blockbuster hit Game of Thrones.
Keep scrolling to see some of their favourite shots so far.
Judith, who's a journalist, when asked about their project, was quoted as saying: "Six years ago, we were deciding where to go on holiday and we decided it would be fun to go to filming locations. But rather than just go to them, we decided to recreate scenes to prove it was actually the right location. We didn't really think it would work, but we just gave it a try and it worked better than we thought!". Photograph: SaceretFamousPlaces/Instagram
Robin and Judith Schneider, 30, met at a friend's birthday 10 years ago, and have been re-creating movie scenes for six years. They estimate that they've shot over 70 scenes to date. Photograph: SaceretFamousPlaces/Instagram
When it comes to choosing movie locations, they say they're picky. "We always think it should be a good movie or a good TV series, we don't want to take a picture of a scene from a movie that's not good," Lachhein said. Photograph: SaceretFamousPlaces/Instagram
What they love about their project the most is exploring places in a unique way: seeing things that not every tourist sees, and visiting slightly more off-the-beaten-path locations. Photograph: SaceretFamousPlaces/Instagram
The couple stress that they pay for everything themselves and don't earn any money from their pictures. They try to avoid Photoshop as much as possible so that the photos are a true depiction of the location, but admit to occasionally using filters and/or altering colours in order to enhance an image. Photograph: SaceretFamousPlaces/Instagram