Singh, in a bail application filed on Thursday before a sessions court in New Delhi, said he was present at the function but "suddenly met with stroke/bout of mental disorder".
"On November 24, 2011, when he (Singh) was in convention centre, NDMC building, Palika Kendra, Connaught Place, New Delhi, he suddenly met with stroke/bout of mental disorder and lost his senses and is unaware what has happened after that," the application filed through advocate Kapil Dhaka said. It said that Singh was falsely implicated by the police "under pressure and influence of senior political persons".
In the application, which is likely to come up for hearing on Fridday, 27-year-old Singh said he has apprehension of his life and that "political pressure cannot be overruled."
"The applicant (Singh) is in custody for last 20 days and is undergoing treatment in IHBAS and the applicant has serious apprehension of his life as the possibilities of political pressure cannot be overruled," it said.
A magistrate had on Friday denied bail to Singh saying he required further treatment at Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences, where he is undergoing treatment under judicial custody, as his medical report showed that he was suffering from psychological problem.