A court in Delhi on Friday allowed the Delhi police to conduct the polygraph test of five of the six accused arrested in connection with the Parliament security breach.
Additional sessions judge Hardeeep Kaur, who also extended the police custody of all the accused by eight days, allowed the investigating officer to conduct the polygraph test of Manoranjan D, Sagar Sharma, Amol Dhanraj Shinde, Lalit Jha and Mahesh Kumawat.
The court passed the order after noting the consent of the accused, excluding Neelam Azad, to conduct their polygraph test.
The judge passed the order on an application moved by the police, which had sought permission to conduct the polygraph test of all the accused.
In a major security breach on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament terror attack on December 13, two people -- Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D -- jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber from the public gallery during the Zero Hour, released yellow gas from canisters and shouted slogans before being overpowered by the MPs.
Around the same time, two other accused -- Shinde and Azad -- also sprayed coloured gas from canisters while shouting "tanashahi nahi chalegi" outside the Parliament premises.