Interacting with the media in Patna on Saturday, Badar said, "He (Nitish Kumar) explained us the performance, also the previous and the current situation of the state after 2005 and we are too much inspired. It reflects an ideal society. It was a difficult job to increase the number of laws, which are in the interest of the society and then implementing those laws and monitoring them and forming an e-government."
Earlier in the day, a delegation of Pakistan lawmakers visited Patna and met Kumar in order to see the progress and development of the state.
Commenting on the recent relation between India and Pakistan, Badar said that of late there was increase in high-level
"On the political front, we have established good bilateral relations especially the changes we have witnessed after 2011 and 2012, as the prime ministers of India and Pakistan paid visit to their respective countries. Talks were also conducted on secretarial level. We parliamentarians are paying the fourth visit to the country in order to share the views and discuss the issues related to both the countries threadbare," said Jehangir Badar.
Lawmakers from India and Pakistan on Friday discussed various contentious issues in New Delhi.