Reacting to the controversy started by Obama's Presidential campaign about a fund raising event held at his residence, Dr Rajwant Singh has expressed disappointment at Obama's campaign to attack Senator Clinton's ties to the Indian American community.
Singh called it unacceptable to label Clinton negatively due to a good humored comment she made in reference to her connection with Punjab.
Singh had hosted a fundraiser for Clinton's reelection campaign for Senate at his home in March 2006. Prominent Indian Americans from all over the country attended it. Clinton began by joking that, 'I can certainly run for the Senate seat in Punjab and win easily,' after being introduced by Singh as the Senator not only from New York but also Punjab."
"To portray this benign comment and blow it up into an insensitive attack tactic against a political opponent is shocking," he said.
On Obama expressing regret, Singh said, "We welcome his sense of regret and taking responsibility for what is an obvious mistake."