The Justice A C Goyal Commission, probing the Sohella firing case in Rajasthan, on Tuesday served notices to two state Bharatiya Janata Party ministers and the irrigation secretary seeking their versions about the June 13, 2005 incident that claimed five lives, including that of a pregnant woman, and left 21 injured.
On a joint petition by the Beesalpur Kisan Sangarsh Samiti and People's Union for Civil Liberties, the commission issued the notices to Irrigation Minister S M Jat and Panchayati Raj Minister K L Gurjar and Irrigation Secretary S N Thanvi,
The petition alleged that the state BJP government had filed 32 affidavits, including those from the collector and superintendent of police of Tonk district but did not file the versions of the concerned two ministers and the irrigation secretary who were directly responsible for the incident.
The trio could file their affidavits within seven days, and they may also be asked to appear before the commission, Jain said. PUCL is supporting the BKSS legal case related to the Sohella firing tragedy, he said.