Asked why the CBI had then raided Radia's offices and residence, the official said, "The agency had conducted the raids in a bid to look for evidence in the 2G scam." The official, however, refused to answer questions relating to the kind of evidence the agency was looking for or whether they were able to pick up evidence that would prove useful to in proving its case in a
The CBI had raided the homes and offices of Radia, former Telecom Regulatory Authority of India chief Pradeep Baijal and relatives of former telecommunications minister A Raja in the 2G spectrum scam.
In a coordinated operation, CBI officials searched the New Delhi homes and offices of Radia, whose intercepted telephonic conversations had shown her lobbying for Raja when a new government was being formed in 2009.
"We are still in the process of putting two and two together to arrive at some conclusion. You will have to wait till we file our report before the Supreme Court," sources said.