Newly-elected Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan on Friday met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to seek central assistance for strengthening the state police in the aftermath of terror attacks in Mumbai.
Chavan, along with Deputy Chief Minister Chagan Bhujbal, met the prime minister at his Parliament House office to discuss in detail the security scenario in Maharashtra.
"It was a courtesy call. I cannot disclose much. We asked for central assistance to strengthen coastal security, state police and the intelligence network to deal with the prevailing security environment," he told media persons outside Parliament House.
Chavan and Bhujbal will be also meeting Union Home Minister P Chidambaram.
The Maharashtra delegation, which included state Chief Secretary Johnny Joseph, discussed with the PM the issue of adequate coal supplies for thermal power units in the state and that of environmental clearance for the upcoming 1000 mw Chandrapur power plant.
The issue of a new airport at Mumbai also came up during the 20-minute discussion.
Bhujbal said the state government wants the Centre to station one battalion of the elite National Security Guards (NSG) in Maharashtra.
"We plan to raise State Security Guards (SSG). Till the time the new outfit is ready. We want Centre to station NSG in the state to tackle any possible terror situation," he said.
According to Bhujbal, a greater coordination between various departments was required to strengthen the coastal security.
The terrorists, who struck south Mumbai, had entered the metropolis via the sea route.