Bharatiya Janata Party leader Arun Jaitley on Thursday said the serial blasts that claimed 18 lives in Mumbai on Wednesday night were a grim reminder "that India continues to be high on the terror list of terror outfits operating from Pakistan".
Speaking to on Thursday morning, the Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha said that terrorists had no regard for human lives.
"My heart goes out to the families of those who have lost their near and dear ones in this dastardly attack. No amount of condemnation is going to satisfy our sense of anger. Time and again Mumbai has been the centre of attack by terrorists," he said.
BJP leader Tarun Vijay lashed out at the central government led by Prime Minister for its failure to thwart such strikes, calling it a "government of disaster and anarchy".
"The dastardly Mumbai serial blasts have once again exposed the anarchic state of affairs under the United Progressive Alliance. The government has become another name for the catastrophic rule which has refused to take any lessons from past terror attacks. The government's instruments have been reduced to being tools of revenge for the political wing and the nation's resistance power against the enemies is being diluted by the agents of vote bank politics," he said in a statement from Dehradun.
He claimed that the Congress was "singularly responsible for putting a nation of a billion brave people to the shame of being attacked like spineless ducks waiting to be killed in their own homes".
"It is time to shun all ideological differences and stand united as one nation, one people," Tarun Vijay told over the phone.
He urged the people of India to rise against the 'ineffective elements' ruling at the Centre who had made the security of the nation a 'saleable commodity at the altar of vote bank politics'.
"It is a government of no governance, where the prime minister has become a laughing stock with zero authority and sub-zero credibility. Can India tolerate this humiliation at the hands of those who are trying to stay afloat in a sea of corruption, court cases and ministers in jail," he said.