Russia on Thursday said it firmly supports calls for bringing to justice the perpetrators of the Bucha killings, alleging that the crime was the result of a "false flag" operation carried out by Ukraine.
The comments by the Russian embassy in Delhi came in the wake of strong condemnation of the killings in Ukrainian town of Bucha by India at the UN Security Council as well as by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar in Parliament.
The images of mass graves and bodies of civilians in Bucha town have triggered global outrage and condemnation with many countries calling for a thorough investigation into the crime.
"The heinous attack in Bucha brings back the nightmares of the Nazi crimes during the Second World War. It raised revulsion and condemnation in Russia and India and globally," the Russian embassy said in a statement.
"Russia firmly stands for bringing to justice those involved in this outrageous war crime act. The main challenge is to ensure a genuinely independent and unbiased investigation," it said.
The reports of killings emerged in the wake of Russian withdrawals from Kyiv and nearby areas and Western powers have accused Russia of being behind the massacres.
"Regrettably there have been so far widespread hollow allegations against Moscow while there's evidence that it was in fact a cynical false flag operation, perpetrated by Kyiv itself," the Russian embassy claimed.
"It is vitally important to take this evidence into account as we seek justice," it added.
Jaishankar condemned the Bucha killings while speaking in Parliament on Wednesday on the crisis in Ukraine.
"Many hon'ble members brought up the happenings in Bucha. And I want to say that we are deeply disturbed by the reports. We strongly condemn the killings that have taken place there. This is an extremely serious matter and we support the call for an independent investigation," the external affairs minister said.
On Tuesday, India condemned the Bucha killings during a discussion at the UN Security Council.
At a media briefing on Thursday, external affairs ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi also referred to Jaishankar's comments on the killings.
"We have been saying this in the UN Security Council and yesterday by the minister. Reports of civilian killings in Bucha are deeply disturbing and we unequivocally condemn these killings. We support calls for an independent investigation," Bagchi said.
He said an independent investigation would help determine further facts about the killings.
"I think there is clearly an outrage and unhappiness about these developments which have been reflected in our statement," he said.