Talking to reporters Bharatiya Janata Party leader Gopal Patil and BJP's sitting MP Harishchandra Chavan said that state BJP chief Nitin Gadakari, party's national General Secretary Gopinath Munde and Vinod Tawde will be present on the occasion.
Modi, who is also in-charge for electioneering in Maharashtra, is to address a public meeting at Gondia in Vidarbha and then to arrive in Pimpalgaon Baswant, a large onions producing centre, to address another meeting at 5
Harishchandra Chavan, BJP MP from Malegaon Lok Sabha constituency is likely to contest coming Lok Sabha elections from Dindori parliamentary constituency, reserved for Scheduled Tribes.
Chavan, during his five-year tenure, claimed to have developed roads with Central government's funds of Rs 130.45 crore and done other works in tribal areas of the district.