Greg Brisk, a British citizen, has written to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Deputy Prime Minister Lal Kishenchand Advani seeking the Indian government's assistance in tracing his mother, Angela Brown, who went missing after her arrival in New Delhi on November 28 last year.
Angela Brown, 65, was born in India and has visited India on several occasions.
Brisk has offered a reward of Rs 1 million to anyone who provides information leading to his mother.
"My brother and I came to India in the first week of January 2004, but despite assurances of help from the Indian police we still have no news [of our mother]. I have, therefore, had to leave my work and family to come again," he said.
Brisk said his mother boarded a train in Mumbai on November 27 for New Delhi and reached Delhi the next day. She was supposed to meet a friend, but she never did not turn up at the appointed hour.
Angle Brown flew in to Mumbai on October 4 and spent some time with a friend before leaving for Delhi.
When contacted, the Central district police in Delhi, which looks into missing persons complaints, said since Brown went missing from the New Delhi railway station, the railways branch of the Delhi police will handle the case.
Deputy Commissioner for Crime and Railways Dipendra Pathak could not be contacted as he was out for a luncheon meeting with a friend and was not expected back till late evening.