Misra has clearly emerged as the richest of the six candidates, who filed their nominations for the Rajya Sabha seats falling vacant later this month. Like his political mentor, Misra too owns several immovable properties including residential and commercial plots and buildings in Delhi, Noida and Mumbai.
He owns a bungalow in New Delhi's posh Sundar Nagar whose market value has been shown as 2.16 crore, while the two palatial bungalows in Lucknow's posh Windsor Place is valued at just 1.40 crore and 2.40 crore respectively. Similarly a 300 metre plot in Lucknow's expensive Vipul Khand of Gomti Nagar has been described as being worth 43
Two other plots in Windsor Place have been valued at 97 lakh and Rs. 32 lakh respectively, while two agricultural plots in Lucknow have been shown as worth 46 lakh and 13 lakh respectively.
Misra's plot measuring 450 sq metres in Noida's prime sector 15 has been shown to be worth 2.1 crore, while a 203 sq metre space in a commercial complex in Mumbai's plush Bandra-Kurla area has been valued at 3.53 crore.According to the declaration, the 1050 sq feet shop that he owns in New Delhi's Connaught Place was worth 38 lakh.
Misra's wife Kalpana is a co-owner in most of the immoveable properties, except for a 3 bigha plot of land in Dadri, near Delhi which has been valued at a paltry 14 lakh.