The 43-year-old actor from Kerala is said to face the possibility of life in prison if convicted in the attack, according to a spokesman for the San Diego County District Attorney's Office.
Malil was detained on Monday night on suspicion of stabbing 35-year-old Kendra Beebe at her home in San Marcos, north of San Diego and was ordered held in lieu of a US $ 10 million bond after a superior court made a determination that he was a flight risk.
According to a report in The Los Angeles Times the charges against Malil include allegations
Beebe remains hospitalised but is expected to survive. The prosecution has argued that Malil appeared on the back patio of Beebe's house and attacked her with a knife causing 20 wounds while her two children slept upstairs.
According to a statement issued by the San Diego Police Malil and the victim 'had apparently been in a dating relationship which recently ended.'
Malil played Haziz, one of star Steve Carell's co-workers at an electronics retail store in The 40-Year-Old-Virgin and has also appeared in dozens of TV shows, including NYPD Blue and Scrubs.
It is said that Malil first came to Hollywood in 1995, after a two-year stint at New York's famed American Academy of Dramatic Arts.