After spending three weeks in New Delhi under police protection, Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi's younger daughter Srija and her husband Sirish Bharadwaj -- whom she married against her family's wishes -- returned to Hyderabad on Sunday.
No one from Chiranjeevi's family was present at the airport to receive the couple, and Srija went to her in-laws' house at Begumpet in Secunderabad.
The newly-married couple was in Delhi since October 22 and they were under police protection provided by Delhi police following a Delhi High Court direction.
The Telugu film icon' daughter Srija (19), a student of chartered accountancy, had created a flutter by secretly marrying Sirish (22), an engineering student, at an Arya Samaj temple in Hyderabad on October 17.
Later, the couple went to the national capital in a filmy style -- changing cars enroute -- and approached Delhi High Court for police protection apprehending a threat to their lives as they had married against wishes of their parents.
Image: Chiranjeevi's daughter Srija with her husband Sirish outside Hyderabad airport.
Photograph: SnapsIndia