The former UK Independence Party leader, who was behind UK’s Brexit, shook hands with the Republican candidate before telling a cheering audience how he ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me’.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump alleged that the eight years of Obama-Clinton policies have sacrificed American safety and undermined its freedom and independence.
“Eight years of Obama-Clinton policies have sacrificed our safety and undermined our freedom and independence,” he said at an election rally in Jackson, Mississippi on Wednesday.
“Our jobs have moved overseas, Islamic terrorism has spread within our shores and an open border has crushed low-income workers and threatened our security.
“The issues we face here in America are similar to the issues faced in Britain during their referendum on membership in the European Union. This is the movement known as Brexit,” Trump, 70, said as he continued to lash out at the policies of outgoing US President Barack Obama and his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton, 68.
Trump alleged that Clinton has been on the wrong side of history in every major decision she has ever made and got this one wrong too.
“Now, Hillary wants to surrender America to globalism. She wants a country without borders. She wants trade deals written for the benefit of foreign corporations. She wants a government that ignores the will of the people.
“She wants to sell out American security to the Clinton Foundation for a pile of cash. It is hard to tell where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins.
According to the AP, more than half the meetings she took as Secretary of State from outside government were with Foundation Donors. Hillary Clinton doesn’t believe in America First. She believes in Donors First,” Trump alleged.
Trump said that Clinton would rather give a job to a refugee from overseas than to an unemployed American Veteran.
“The job of a public official is to serve and protect the citizens of the United States. Not illegal immigrants, not foreign nationals seeking entry, but the people living here lawfully today – including millions of African-American and Hispanic citizens,” he said.
Trump said his focus will always be on the well-being of the more than 300 million American citizens who call this country home.
“I will fight for their security, I will fight for their jobs, I will fight for their families. One American Nation. Hillary Clinton has betrayed her duty to the people. November 8th is our chance to re-declare American Independence,” he said.
Trump introduced Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party on the state.
“I could not possibly tell you how you should vote in this election... I will say this. If I was an American citizen, I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me. In fact, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me,” Farage told Trump supporters.
In his speech, he drew comparisons between Brexit and the US presidential election.
He urged people to defeat pollsters, the media and the Washington establishment.
“I think you have a fantastic opportunity here with this campaign. I come to you from the UK with a message of hope and a message of optimism. It's a message that says if the little people, if the real people, if the ordinary, decent people are prepared to stand up and fight for what they believe in, we can overcome the big banks,” Farage added.
“It’s time for America to recapture its destiny. Our government, our leaders, and our media have lost touch with the people. You need no better evidence of that than the fact that the media ignores the plight of Americans who have lost their children to illegal immigrants, but spends day after day pushing for amnesty for those here in violation of the law,” Trump said.
Trump alleged that “the Obama-Clinton foreign policy has unleashed Islamic State, destabilised the Middle East and put the nation of Iran -- which chants Death to America -- in a dominant position of regional power and, in fact, aspiring to be a dominant world power”.
“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness. But Hillary Clinton’s legacy doesn’t have to be America’s legacy.
“We are going to end the era of nation-building and create a new foreign policy – joined by our partners in the Middle East -- that is focused on destroying IS. We will extend the hand of friendship to any nation that will work with us in good faith on this vital mission,” Trump said.
“I have a message for the terrorists trying to kill our citizens: we will find you, we will destroy you, and we will win. This is not only a military fight, but we will also require cyberwarfare and financial warfare. It is also an ideological fight. We will confront directly the hateful ideology of Radical Islam -- and promote American values, and American culture, and America’s system of government,” Trump added.
Image: Nigel Farage joining Donald Trump is one of the rarest occasion when a foreign political leader has addressed a public election rally in the US canvassing for one of the presidential candidates. Photograph: Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images