External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee was re-nominated on Sunday by the Congress from the Jangipur seat in West Bengal for the coming Lok Sabha polls, while bringing in Deepa Dasmunsi from Raiganj in place of her husband and union minister P R Dasmunsi following his indisposition.
Among the 11 candidates finalised in Delhi, the party's Central Election Committee also nominated former Kolkata Mayor Subrata Mukherjee from Bankura constituency,
From the SC reserved constituencies, the party nominated Sukhbilas Barma from Jalpaiguri, Sambhu Nath Malik from Arambag and Asit Mal from Bolpur. Amrit Hansda was nominated from the Jhargram ST-reserved seat. Other candidates announced included Santi Ram Mahoto from Purulia and Nuris Begum from Bardhaman-Durgapur.