Madhya Pradesh anti-corruption officials have raided properties belonging to Chief Conservator of Forest B K Singh and unearthed disproportionate assets worth Rs 42 crores from his residences in Bhopal and Ujjain.
O P Sagoria, Deputy Superintendent of the Madhya Pradesh Lokayukta police, confirmed the raids on Singh and the filing of a case against him for disproportionate assets.
“B K Singh, an officer of the Indian Forest Service of 1987 batch, is staying in Ujjain since 2011. A case has been registered against him over disproportionate assets in Ujjain. In accordance with that we are conducting raids in Bhopal and Ujjain,” said Sagoria.
“We have recovered cash worth five to six lakhs, a revolver and property documents, passbooks of the banks and Fixed Deposits. The raid is going on in Bhopal also,” said Padam Singh Waghel, another official.
In yet another case, the anti-corruption officials also carried out raid Tuesday at the residence of Arjun Das Lalwani, a clerk with the state electricity board, who has been accused of amassing wealth illegally.