The Hyderabad city police has arrested an Inter Services Intelligence-trained Lashkar-e-Toiba operative and seized some incriminating material from him.
In a statement, the police identified the militant as 24-year-old Mohammed Ibrahim alias Khalid alias Fareed of Gulshan Iqbal colony in Hafezbaba Nagar in the Old City.
The central zone task force team arrested him following a raid on Santosh Lodge near the Ganesh
temple at Secunderabad railway station on Saturday.
The police seized one cell phone, two Indian SIM cards, a Bangladeshi SIM card and some provocative Jehadi literature from his possession.
The Intelligence Bureau, which has been keeping tabs on ISI followers by their e-mails, had zeroed in on Ibrahim in early 2004 but could not locate him. He then disappeared from the police radar in December 2004 but suddenly resurfaced last month.
On December 2, 2004, he left Hyderabad and illegally crossed over to Bangladesh with the help of a person, identified as Peku Bihari, to receive training in the use of firearms from the ISI. He met Ghulam Yazdani alias Naveed, who was involved in a bomb blast at Saibaba temple in
Saroornagar, Hyderabad in 2002 and one of the main conspirators in a plot to blow up a Ganesh temple in Secunderabad in 2004.
In Bangladesh, Ibrahim underwent training under the leadership of Abdul Muthee of Harkat-ul-Jehad in the Sundarban-Bandarban forest for six months and became proficient in the handling explosives, firing AK-47, sniper rifle, pistol and grenades.
On July 28, this year, he infiltrated back from Bangladesh and reached Hyderabad a few days ago with the mission to lure local youth in the city to join the LeT to carry out sabotage activities.