A 38-year-old lawyer was found dead outside an eatery near the Tis Hazari court in north Delhi on Friday morning. The police have arrested two men who worked at the eatery in this connection and they are being questioned to ascertain the exact sequence of events which led to the lawyer's murder.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Madhur Verma said with the arrest of the two persons, the case has been cracked. The victim, identified as Rajeev Sharma, was a resident of Rohini in northwest Delhi.
There were wounds on his head which were probably caused by a sharp object following a scuffle. A case of murder has been registered in this connection.
Meanwhile, lawyers of all district courts abstained from work following the incident.
"A young advocate's body has been found in the court complex and he has been murdered. This is a serious issue. We are yet to know what he was doing here on Thursday night,” advocate Sanjeev Nasiar, President of Tis Hazari Bar Association said.
“All the lawyers have decided to abstain from work. Lawyers in all the six district courts in Delhi will not work on Friday."