The infamous Devinder Singh alias Bunty Chor, who has committed over 500 burglaries across the country, has been arrested in Karnataka, said the Kerala police. However, their counterparts in Karantaka have denied the claim.
According to the Kerala police, Bunty Chor was picked up from Tavarkere near Bangalore. Wanted by the Kerala police, he had fled that state after allegedly lifting a luxury car and other valuables from a non-resident Indian’s house.
Kerala Home Minister Thiruvanchur Radhakrishnan
The Karnataka police, however, are not confirming the arrest. Sources indicate that there are jurisdictional issues, which are being sorted out before Bunty Chor could be handed over to the Kerala police.
The Karnataka police is ascertaining whether he is wanted in any case in the state. Moreover, Kerala has to issue a formal communication and an arrest- cum-transit warrant if they have to seek his custody.