The Karnataka state government on Wednesday dimissed from service, Dr Malini, assistant director of the Forensic Sciences Laboratory who had conducted over a 100 narco analysis tests on persons in various sensational cases.
The government took this decision following a report from the state police which stated that Dr Malini had usedĀ forged documents to secure her appointment. This was announced by Home Minister Dr VS Acharya in the legislative council.
The police stated that she was deputed to the FSL from the National Institute of Mental Health
The report was submitted three months back, but the government had not acted upon it. On Wednesday the opposition put pressure on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party to act upon the report.
Dr Malini had risen to fame after conducting the legally invalid narco analysis tests on several accused in sensational cases. The cases range from the Telgi fake stamp paper case, the Sister Abhaya murder case, the IISC terror attack case and the Aarushi murder case.