In Karnataka, the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Janata Dal-Secular have tied at the second spot with 40 seats each. Who will now be the main Opposition in the state and who will be its leader?
In the event of such a tie, the term of the Opposition will be shared between the two parties. The first term will go to the BJP with Jagadish Shettar as the Opposition leader, as it was the ruling party in the last term. The second term will go to the Janata Dal-Secular
However, once the results of the Periyapatna seats are out the situation may change. The death of BJP candidate Sannamge Gowda prompted the Election Commission to countermand the elections and hold it on May 25.
If either the BJP or the JD-S wins the seat they will be the main opposition. However, if the Congress wins then the term of Opposition term will be divided.