"Chidambaram, who got himself elected by fraudulent means as alleged by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, should be dropped from the cabinet," Joshi said while addressing a press conference at the Bharatiya Janata Party headquarters in New Delhi on Friday.
Joshi wanted to know how the confidential report submitted by him to Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar was leaked to the press
On one hand the government admits that they have the report and they are wetting it and on the other hand it is made public and its contents appear in the media, the PAC chairman charged. "How is this possible? I have a strong suspicion that the report was leaked by the government. The government must reveal when the report reached the concerned ministry. When did the wetting start and how long would it take for them to reach some conclusion," he asked.
He said that he would place the report before the newly-constituted PAC and seek the opinion of its members on the findings.