The Border Security Force on Wednesday recovered another body and a huge quantity of arms and ammunition from the debris of a house in Srinagar where Jaish-e-Mohammed commander Ghazi Baba was killed along with his three associates Saturday last in a 10-hour gun-battle.
The new recoveries are in addition to those made immediately after the encounter and include the personal weapons of Ghazi Baba, the mastermind behind December 13, 2001 attack on Parliament, a BSF
He said a Scorpion pistol, Ghazi' Baba's personal weapon, its two magazines, two wireless sets, one grenade, a small binocular, four remote controlled devices and 23 rounds of assorted ammunition were recovered on Wednesday.
A wig, an IED, two post-card size photographs of Ghazi Baba, one satellite telephone manual, 1.5 kg of RDX and some chemicals were among the recovered items, he added.
The body recovered on Wednesday has not been identified as yet.