Bihar's ruling Janata Dal-United has issued a show cause notice to Member of Legislative Assembly from Ziradei constituency, Shyam Bahadur Singh, who danced with half a dozen bar dancers at his official residence in Patna last week to entertain participants of a Mahadalit rally.
The JD-U leadership has asked Singh to explain why he danced with bar dancers, that was later telecast by many TV news channels.
Under the influence of alcohol, Singh on last Saturday lost his control and shook his legs with dancers that embarrassed his party when it was widely reported. The bar dancers were called by Singh and the dance was meant to entertain the crowd, and apparently, to woo Dalit voters.
Bihar JD-U president Vijay Choudhary said that party took serious notice of Singh dancing with bar dancers and issued a show cause notice to him.
Opposition parties targeted JD-U for its MLA's behaviour in public. Rashtriya Janata Dal supremo Lalu Prasad demanded that the JD-U should expel Singh.