Yukichi Chuganji, a Japanese listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest man, died Sunday at age 114, his family said.
Chuganji, who worked as a silkworm breeder before becoming a bank clerk, died in his sleep at his home in Ogori, Fukuoka Prefecture, according to the family.
"About three days ago he said, 'I know all living things perish in the end but I hope my day has not come yet.' I think he was pepping himself up," Chuganji's 74-year-old daughter, Kyoko, was quoted as saying.
Chuganji was born March 23, 1889, in Chikushino town on Japan's southernmost main island of Kyushu.
He liked to eat beef and pork.
The world's oldest personĀ -- a 116-year-old woman named Kamato Hongo -- also lives in Kyushu.