Applications are invited for admission to the following programs:
i. Research [MSc (Engg) and Ph D]
ii. Course [ME/M Tech/ M Des}
iii. Integrated PhD
iv. External Registration [M Sc (Eng) and Ph D].
Qualifications for eligibility, specializations, areas of research and other details can be found in Employment News, dated February 7, 2004.
Details can also be found at
For programs i, ii and iii, an information brochure and application form can be obtained from identified branches of Canara Bank on payment of Rs 600, or directly from the Institute by sending a demand draft for Rs 600 drawn in favor of the Registrar, IISc, Bangalore. From the Institute only: Rs 300 for SC/ST or physically-challenged
For program iv, information brochure and application form can be obtained directly from the Institute by sending a demand draft for Rs 1,400 drawn in favor of the Registrar, IISc, Bangalore.
Commencement of issue of applications: Monday, March 15, 2004.
IISc (in person): Friday, March 19, 2004.
Last date for submission of applications: Friday, March 19, 2004.