Asking Palestinians and Israelis to put an end to the cycle of violence in the Middle East, India has condemned all acts of terrorism by the Palestinian groups as also 'improper and harsh' retaliatory measures by Israel.
"We believe that it is essential to put an end to this cycle of violence that does not augur well for forward movement of the peace process," Indian delegate Sitaram Yechury, MP, said, calling for creation of a 'truly independent and viable' Palestinian state living side by side and at peace with Israel.
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly's committee on Monday, the Communist Party of India-Marxist leader warned that despite the glimmer of hope for cooperation between the two following Israel's withdrawal from Gaza Strip and parts of West Bank, the situation remains fragile.
Describing the withdrawal as the 'first significant step', he expressed hope that it would culminate in a 'mutually acceptable, negotiated settlement'.
"We hope that all parties concerned will exercise the utmost restraint, abjure violence, and return to the negotiating table to enable progress to be made for a peaceful resolution of the remaining issues of the Roadmap drawn up by the international Quartet -- United States, Russia, European Union and the UN."
Criticising Israel for encroaching on parts of Palestinian areas while building the security wall, Yechury said no one could have objection to its construction if it was on the Israeli side of the border.
"However, its encroachment on Palestinian land and interests create great hardship for the people affected by its construction. Besides, continued construction of the wall on Palestinian land threatens to prejudge the eventual outcome of the final status negotiations between the parties," Yechury said.
Of equal concern, he added, are the restrictions placed by Israel on the freedom of movement of Palestinians.
"These restrictions have led to a loss of access by the Palestinian population to employment and income as well as access to essential goods and services. These have also seriously hampered the capability of all humanitarian operators, including UNRWA and other UN Agencies, to provide essential services," he said.
Stating that India is deeply concerned by the continuing humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories, he called on Israel to show restraint and take no action that would aggravate the humanitarian and economic plight of the Palestinian people.
"It should take measures without delay, in accordance with the obligations of the roadmap, to improve the security and humanitarian and economic conditions of the Palestinian people," he added.
Stressing that India's support for the Palestinian cause is 'strong and unwavering', he said the National Common Minimum Programme of the United Progressive Alliance government has reiterated India's decades-old commitment to the cause of the Palestinian people for a homeland of their own.