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Eat ice cream, be happy!

April 29, 2005 18:21 IST

Here's a good reason why you should eat ice cream. Besides helping you beat the heat, it also makes you happy!

A recent scientific study found that a spoonful of ice cream excites the same pleasure centre in the brain as winning money or listening to music.

Neuroscientists at the Institute of Psychiatry in London studied a group of people who ate vanilla ice cream. They found that ice cream affected the orbitofrontal cortex in the brain, known to activate when people enjoy themselves.

Unilever used Walls ice cream for the research. The scientists used a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine to watch blood flowing to activated brain areas when people ate ice cream.

Experts are gathering in Cardiff on Friday to discuss how magnetic resonance imaging could investigate how the brain handles situations, including disappointment and loneliness.

Courtesy: The Guardian