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Slain cop's wife collapses at police station

May 15, 2010 03:10 IST

On hearing about the death of her husband U Ramesh in Hyderabad, constable Shanta Kumari collapsed in Punganur police station of Chittoor district, where she served as a police constable. Ramesh, a constable in Andhra Pradesh Special Police's 11th battalion based at Kadapa was in Hyderabad on a special duty after the recent outbreak of communal violence.

"This can not happen to me. I don't believe this", said a hysterical Shanta Kumari as her colleagues in Punganur tried to console her. Wailing uncontrollably, Shanta Kumari said that she had the worst fears ever since her husband had gone to Hyderabad. Ramesh is survived by a daughter. Later the director general of police RR Girish Kumar spoke to her over phone and consoled her.

Meanwhile some media organizations in Hyderabad have received a CD containing a letter in Urdu purportedly from aorganization "Tehreek-e-Ghalba-e-Islam" (Movement for supremacy of Islam).

In the letter, the organization has taken responsibility for the attack saying it was avenging the police firing on Muslims in Hyderabad following the Mecca Masjid blast on May 18, 2007. "Until the policemen responsible for the firing are punished such attacks will continue", said the letter signed by organization president Faseehuddin.

Police suspect that Faseehuddin was the nickname of one of the associates of Viqaruddin Ahmad, a prime suspect in a similar attack on police on May 18 last year.

Mohammed Siddique in Hyderabad