In further easing of coronavirus-induced curbs in Maharashtra, the government on Thursday said barber shops, salons and beauty parlours will be allowed to reopen from June 28 with restricted entry and prior appointments for customers.
A revised set of guidelines, issued in the night as part of the government's 'Mission Begin Again' phase four, said only select services like hair cut and dyeing, waxing and threading will be allowed as of now in these outlets.
Skin-related services will not be allowed at present and this should be prominently displayed outside shops, the notification listing the guidelines said.
'Employees must put protective gear, including gloves, aprons and masks. All workspace (chairs) must be sanitised after each service. Also, all common areas and floors must be sanitised after every two hours,' it said.
Disposal towels and napkins must be usedon customers, while non-disposal equipment should be sanitised and sterilised after each service, the government order said.
Each shop must put up a notice listing precautions for customers, the notification said.
So far, under the 'Mission Begin Again', markets, shops, vehicular traffic and suburban train for essential services staff have started.
Private and government offices with restricted staff have also started operating.
Read the full list of guidelines HERE