The centre had earlier deputed a team of NIA, which has been created in the aftermath of 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes, to Pune. Therefore, there will not be any hassles in handing over the probe to NIA, the sources said.The blast at popular eating joint German Bakery in Pune on February 13 had claimed 16 lives. On the role of the NIA in the case, Chidambaram had said earlier that a team from the new central investigating body has been sent on the spot to gain hands-on
"There is no confusion. The ATS is investigating the case. I wanted the NIA officers to come so that they can have the first-hand immediate exposure to a terrorist crime. That is a new body," he had said. Ministry sources also said local police had sent a written advisory to the owners of German Bakery and others in October 2009 to beef up security by installing CCTV cameras and keep a check on suspicious objects in the vicinity. The advisory was received by the bakery manager under his signature, they said.