Hours after the Supreme Court ordered protection to S A R Geelani, who escaped an attempt on his life earlier this month, a posse of policemen was on Thursday posted outside the Vasant Enclave house of his lawyer Nandita Haksar, where he is staying.
The SC had, earlier in the day, asked the Delhi Police Commissioner K K Paul to depute security personnel either from the force under him or from the Rajasthan police as Geelani said he had no faith in the city police.
A bench, comprising Justice P V Reddi and Justice P P Naolekar, gave the oral direction on an application filed by Geelani. But the court kept in abeyance the request for transfer of the attack case to an independent agency like the Central Bureau of Investigation.
The bench, while asking the commissioner to provide 'such scale of security as required' to Geelani, said it would like to know whether the Delhi police had any objection to the Rajasthan police providing security to Geelani.
Sources said the commissioner was in the process of deciding the force that should be deputed for Geelani's protection.
As Geelani had rejected security of the Delhi police, the personnel of the force were providing protection from a distance, they said.
Geelani's family members and associates have repeatedly alleged that the Special Cell of the Delhi police could be behind the attack on him.