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Kadirgamar to be cremated on Monday with state honours

August 13, 2005 17:29 IST

Sri Lanka's slain foreign minister Lakshman Kadirgamar will be publicly cremated in the capital on Monday with state honors, a cabinet member said on Saturday.
Kadirgamar, 73, was fatally shot in Colombo on Friday night.   

Public security minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake, who is heading the funeral arrangements, said the late foreign minister's body would be kept at his official residence from Saturday evening for public viewing.

Also read: Emergency imposed in Sri Lanka

On Monday, the body will be publicly cremated in Colombo's Independence Square, where Sri Lanka was declared free from British colonial rule in 1948, Wickramanayake said.

The government has declared Monday a day of mourning and ordered all of the country's cinemas, liquor shops and meat-selling stalls to close, Wickramanayake said.

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