Eating seven or more eggs a week increases the risk of premature death for middle-aged men by 23 per cent, according to a new study.
The latest findings could re-open the debate on how many eggs should a person eat to maintain safe health. Conflicting findings about the pros and cons of eating eggs revolve around their relatively high cholesterol content, at around 220 milligrams per yolk, which might contribute to blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.
Many experts believe the risks have been exaggerated, as most healthy people can dispose off
The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, conducted by researchers Luc Djousse and J Michael Gaziano, further revealed that egg consumption was associated with a greater risk of all-cause mortality, and that there was suggestive evidence for a greater risk of heart attack and stroke among diabetic males.
The study observed that men eating the most number of eggs were also older, fatter, were more likely to drink alcohol and smoke, and less likely to exercise -- all factors that create the risk of heart attack and death.