Director Mahesh Bhatt, his daughter Pooja and brother Mukesh received threatening phone calls from a person identifying himself as fugitive gangster Ravi Pujari for having made the film Dhoka which tells the story of a police officer and his terrorist wife.
"Mahesh Bhatt has informed us about the call where Pujari threatened and abused all the three Bhatts for having made the film and security has been provided to all the three of them," Mumbai Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Rakesh Maria said. Maria however, clarified it was not an extortion call.
The recently released Dhoka is directed by Pooja, its script written by Mahesh and produced by Mukesh Bhatt. A suspected Ravi Pujari gang member entered Mahesh's office on July 14 last year and fired at the ceiling on learning that he was not present in the office before fleeing.