Hari Kishan's sister, who lives in R K Puram, was interrogated by the police after the robbery. She provided vital clues, which led the investigators to Deepak Sharma, their brother, who also had a hand in the robbery and his wife.
Deepak Sharma was arrested Sunday morning. Sources said Krishan Valmiki and Tekram, who helped hide a part of the loot, were also arrested.
So far, the police have been able to recover only Rs 2.39 crore of the Rs 5.25 crore robbed. Other accomplices may be arrested soon, say the police.
Hari Kishan and Deepak along with their spouses were planning to flee to London to stay with their other sister, who was supportive of their criminal activities.
The Delhi police
The Delhi police followed the couple to Mandawali, East Delhi after which they could not track their movement, as Hari Kishan's mobile phone was switched off.
The police tracked them again as they made attempts to flee to Nepal through Gorakhpur. Whether Hari Kishan entered Nepal or is still hiding in Delhi has not been confirmed by the police.
When asked if the lookout notice has been issued, Rajan Bhagat, public relations officer, Delhi police, said, "I can't confirm the authenticity of the reports."
Hari Kishan runs a mobile phone showroom In Laxmi Nagar in East Delhi