Holding the 45-year-old woman and her family responsible for Sudam's death, the villagers had staged a road blockade on August 12 by keeping the body on the road to demand inquiry into the incident and arrest of the culprits, sources said. They had also asked the family to leave the village, the police said.
After being made to leave the village, the family was staying at their elder daughter's place in nearby Baunsura. However, the woman had come to her house to take some household goods on Thursday when villagers dragged her out, assaulted and tortured before shaving her head.
However, no case was registered under the SC/ST Atrocities Act as both the complainant and accused belonged to the Scheduled Caste, police officer Burla said.
Cases were registered against 18 persons and effort is on to nab the others involved in the incident, sources said.