Gopal Sharma, director general of Jammu and Kashmir police, had almost been selected but due to stiff resistance from within the rank and file of Delhi police forced him to opt out and he was considered for posting as director general of the Central forces.
Mrs Bedi, Magasaysay Award winner, had a controversial past. She left her postings in Mizoram and Goa half way through
She, according to her detractors, had become unpopular both in the force as well as in the home ministry.
Dadwal too has a controversial past. He was present at Tamrind Court party at which Miss Jessica Lal a model was shot dead by Manu Sharma -- son of congressman Venod Sharma.
Dr Paul moves over to Union Public Service Commission to take the place of Gurbachan Jagat, former director general of Jammu and Kashmir police.