How can a cyclonic storm that could make landfall at India’s eastern coastline with winds blowing in the range of 120 to 140 km per hour be named Hudhud?
A Google search of Hudhud throws up this definition of the Omani word: ‘Hoopoe, the bird which carried the letter from Nabi Sulayman alayhissalam to Bilqis, the Queen of Saba (Sheba)'.
The India Meteorological Department, which is a regional specialised meteorological centre recognised by the World Meteorological Organisation, has the mandate to provide weather advisories to seven countries -- Bangladesh, the Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Thailand and Sri Lanka besides India.
It also asks these countries to suggest names for the cyclones, which are then listed in an alphabetical order of the names of the member countries.
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