The officers, led by Commandant Seema Dhondiya, are presently undergoing final stages of their training. They are being given a refresher course in crowd-control, including baton wielding and handling of weapons and teargas shells, besides unarmed combat. The team will be armed with pistols, INSAS and AK-47 rifles and light machine guns.
The force is expected to undertake joint patrolling and general area domination, riot control, training of police officers of Liberian National Police and other related units during their stay in the crisis-hit nation. Significantly, the contingent will be carrying bulletproof vehicles, indigenous riot control vehicle Vajra, night vision devices and global positioning systems along with them for discharging their duties.
The UN Mission in Liberia took over peacekeeping duties from the Economic Community of West Africa States in October 2003 to bring about a thaw among warring ethnic groups.
The United Nations welcomed the "unprecedented" decision, saying, "it is an extremely timely and relevant move to the policing needs in the years ahead."