Lok Janshakti Party leader Chirag Paswan on Sunday tweeted a video of him trimming the beard of his father Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan.
SEE: Chirag Paswan's hair trimming skills
"Tough times but see lockdown also has a brighter side. Never knew had these skills too! Let's fight Corona19 and create beautiful memories too ! #StayHomeStaySafe," Chirag Paswan tweeted.
The tweet drew response from a large number of people, with some praising the "father-son bonding" and others pointing out how men have to put up with unkempt hair and untidy beard due to closed salons.
The video was posted a day ahead of Union ministers are to resume work in their ministries and focus on kick-starting the economy post lockdown. All the ministers were working from home due to the coronavirus lockdown.