Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday blamed the central intelligence agencies for failing warn the state government about the terror threat, the result of which were the coordinated attacks in three city courts that killed over 13 people and injured dozens.
"The terror attacks are yet another proof of the failure of central intelligence agencies. We were not given any sort of prior warning about the imminent terror attack. No information was shared with the state police," Mayawati told a press conference in Lucknow.
Taking stock of the situation, the chief minister said: "The explosives used in the blasts were
"Some of the injured in Varanasi and Faizabad are in serious condition. All efforts are being made to save them. The state government will pay a solatium of Rs 2 lakh to relatives of the deceased and Rs 50,000 to those injured," she said.
Mayawati added that the state chief secretary, Director General of Police and Assistant Director General had rushed to Faizabad to assess the situation there. Urging people to maintain calm in this hour of crisis, she sought their help to defeat the nefarious designs of the terrorists.